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Silent hell (Part-5)

Silent hell

After the evening the colors of the sky began to change. The black cloud is covering the sky. The wind started to start, the intensity of the wind continued to increase, shortly after the start of the winds began with the windstorm. Close the doors and windows of the house and lie down with Heaven, Miss Ella, and Mr. Ben. Lightning in the sky several times, the thunderstorm is like the abyss of hell is coming out in the earth. Suddenly the electricity was closed, Haven's tears started in the dark room. One side mother another side father and in the middle of the Heaven. Heaven is the world's most difficult security place, yet no tears stop for a moment. Mr. Ben wants to open the part of the window and open the part of the window, and the sudden wind arrives and cools the room in the moment, the tears stop Heaven. After the wind, the speed of the wind decreases, the rain does not stop. The roads are flooded with the water. The knees water accustomed to walking on the road. Vehicles stand in the queue. Strong traffic has been created in the streets, office workers and ordinary people live in the rainy season returning. Slums on the side of the street are floating in the water, dogs have no place to stand, and are going down into the huge verandah-surrounded house or under the stairs of the building. The city's dirt rubbish floating along the water stream in the broken manhole, the high-rise buildings are bathing in the rainwater as, like the girl, the rain will stop, the city's robot will start running in the street on a clear street due to the cold winds, even the rain will stop, the city's robot will start running in the streets of the cold street due to the cold winds of the city, Storm-rains will be busy with their workplace. They look at the outside of the windows gaps; Mr. Ben, Miss Ella comes out of bed and went to Mr. Ben. Mr. Ben asks Ella.
-Will Ella say something?
-Heaven’s does not have any food, how can she recover full night? We did not want to talk to us; we will leave if we have a cup of tea but Heaven is small.
-I do not have any money in my hand.
-At least one egg is a little milk will be better for her because she cannot eat fat rice.
Believe me, if I had money in my hands, I would have bought it at any time of the day.
-I know, even though we have a good time, how much money has been kept in the house.
-With the advent of bad times, all is finished.
-If there were any shops that could bring something in the balance, it would have been paid for the time.
-The rest of the day did not bring, who would I ask for the rest? If he does not put it on the face then I will be shyer.
-So Heaven will be upset? Heaven wants to eat eggs.
Things are gone Mr. Ben, maybe the situation in life may not have happened, Happiness and sorrow in every level of life, these are gradually approaching. Colors of life change in the circumstances. When a bad luck comes, there is no sign of fortune. Miss Ella is worried about Mr. Ben.
-Sadly, I have not had the pleasure of being in the house, if I could have lost somewhere.
-Ella cannot be lost, not only for your child. Finding, if there was anything in the house, at least one egg would have been brought.
-Where do you get an egg from?
-I will not bring any shop near the house. I will go to a shop or market. I have seen all my days of happiness; I do not want to see my sorrow days.
In the dark room to find the pant and shirt pockets of their own users in the light of the mobile, To find out, the bag used in Miss Ella's office becomes an egg price in some way. Mr. Ben said.
-I got it, got the money. One has to buy eggs. You wait with Heaven, I'll go to the market and I'll come.
Will you go to the market this rain? 
-This is a suitable environment for me. Nobody will know, no one will understand, Mr. Ben is going, why is he going? I have not touched the dirt, dirty water of the city; I did not do it but today. Many days before the rainwater were soaked in the water. I came in the city, got the car and house, I forgot the storm rainwater.
To talk, Mr. Ben's eyes were filled with water, the tears of light in the light of the mobile did not appear, but Miss Ella heard the sound of broken voices.
-Are you suffering?
-One day there were a lot of things for her daughter not to buy an egg.Fate is brutal. Maybe in the morning tomorrow, I will not have milk.
It is drizzling, the wind is coming and Mr. Ben travels in the hands of an umbrella, for the purpose of the market. The water stored in the reservoir and the windstorm winds wet Mr. Ben, Mr. Ben is a stranger to the egg vendor on the market today. Mr. Ben then returned to power after a while. Miss Ella,
-The elder brother had said that, for the last two months, the house rent money, heaven has all given food, cannot give anything in the month. Manage something and ask to pay the house rent.

To continue >>http://bit.ly/2iX4hHK

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Silent hell (Part-9)

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