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Unfinished Dialogue (Episode-2)


Lightning in the sky a few times in the morning, the clouds call out loud, and then the rain started falling in the sky, the wind moves at very intense speed, but tomorrow is Baishakhi.  Due to the heavy rainfall in the rainy season, Due to the heavy rainfall, the canals, field became tumbling in the one-day rain. Fish comes to the water from the pond of the house, The poor people of the hired laborers hold that fish,  Someone sells them for stomach and another with a baby girl fulfills the feces of the fish. Marathon frogs are married in the new waters of Baishakh, Frogs go to the house of sage with a vermilion on the forehead, like the doves floating in the house, The frogs are made of fish like kernels, and from the upper part of the pipe cannel, The state of the frog in the huge pond, the young children get filled with the joy of the new water tide. Mita and Rita, both of them wake up in the morning, watch rain games, showering rainwater with their hands, do not mean that rainwater has never been seen, but when it comes to the age of youth, the amount of rain to play with rainwater differs, still the rain incomparable. Out of the house, there is a drought in the huge chamber of the hospital, in the water, barefoot walks with rainwater and plays two buns; to see the beautiful soil, jump off the gold and make the necklace and fall in the neck. The birds of the cucumber birds eat new insects that fall into the new water. The hungry white Egret stands on one foot in front of the lake, when it comes to feeding its prey, when it comes to its feeding, how many birds have fallen into the rain of uneven rain, there is no account that the owl, who called every day to hide behind the bamboos, also lost the nest. Paddy grass is equal to the water, the hands of the farmer's head, how many days after the rice comes to the house, there is no defeat in the rice fields. Poor peasants and ordinary people have suffered more than their losses, in the rain of the house sheds the bed through the hole and the ground in the field is equivalent to swimming in the field of water. Little boys are going through the banana tree breeding rails on the chest, from the edge of the field and on the edge. The loss of the house was not reduced, due to the heavy rain and wind blow, the bird's nesting has fallen apart from the palm tree. Ah, what a beautiful house, who made such a house! No, birds made it. Ah, what a beautiful house, who made such a house! No, weaverbird made the bird itself.  That is why it is called the artistic bird. The house was broken down by the artist's master-in-law. Rita says,
-Look at this bird how beautiful the birdhouse!
-Yes, this is Weaver Birdnest
-The nest was broken, now where will live?
-Why do you take it to your house?
After that, two sisters laugh, this smile is also a game. Mita and Rita float in the water by making paper boats, playing. There is no limit to happiness. The dawn began to fall apart in the morning; the sunlight woke up in the light of the sun. The groundwater starts drying again, the wood-blown sunlight, dry the pond, dry the soil instead of the mud, and the younger the little girls, like the sand making the house on the ground in the sky, after breaking the house, breaks down the house, Mita and Rita are exactly the same. Do it. Studies have not started in full-time, so in the absence of the mother, she has built the sand house all day long and also dreamed at that house. Little time is spent with small dreams and small hopes of the girls. Mita builds the house, in her mind, with the help of two touching hands, make a house with sand in the special style, only cooking cooked potions with herbs, dolls are married. No, not the house! This is a huge house. Rita wrongly said, Do not do this way, make that way, Here is the balcony, here, courtyard Here, here is the main door and here is a drawing room, giving advice to Mita. Mita lowered her neck to make her playhouse, not a word, no reply; she bowed down in her mind only and brushed the bricks and sandals. There was a beautiful house, in which they lived, on one side were parents, on the other hand, two sisters, a house built in the corridor of the brother. Today there is no house, there are only the memories of that house, maybe the father alone at home or the storm blasted the room with the soil, now can know where else, where was the room in that place? Now, you can recognize that how long it has left the house; the road to the town is now ripe? Due to the rainy season on the road, there was a knee mud and dust sand dunes. An evening of the birds in the bush near the house of the evening can be heard? Today there is no house, there are only the memories of that house, maybe the parents are alone at home, or the storm has mixed the ground with the dust. Does the turtle hunter from the city still be waiting for all day with his weird trap behind the bush? Can the owl call still? Does hawk still keep the big fish from the pond and eat it out of the bushes? Players who were at the playground when they were at lunch, did they play on the big tree? The ghost of the jungle! There is now no longer the case! How much change in the era how big we are now how much the sky has come down.
Rita suddenly jokes on Mita's head,
-What is this?
-Nothing, let’s not play anymore.
-What did you think first to tell me?
-Mita answers seriously.
-Do you remember our house? Our bedroom the lemon floor where we sat singing.
-Well, Rita, did you screw the father?
-My father is very angry, a bird cannot fly through the eyes of my father, I know, I have not seen many quarrels, parents were always on the subject, what did the father say, the mother did not listen, and if I asked something, what did the mother say? The father said that he is crazy, he needs to be treated.
-Is Dad really crazy?
-Yes crazy! Just to my mother, actually the father a good man to society, a learned man, Rita, you know, why did the father leave the job?
Rita responded with a tearful head.
-No sister.
This is a great history, I cannot tell all, and brother may know all.
-Come home; do not go home all day.
Mita rises up, more may have wanted to say something but she did not say what then, do not say that one day is not good enough to talk to my father, whose words are tears acting and mother? Fictitious! There is more happiness than crying in the world, tears bring people salvation, tears bring people peace, tears to people, do not apologize, for a short time or for some time forgiveness for a man not for whole life. Mr. Rashid cannot forgive Minu release him for a short time. Minu often asked Rashid,
-Cannot you believe me?
Then Rashid replied with a smiling expression,
-I cannot believe my own eyes. When all the prayers of faith are stopped then people swear if they can swear to Allah, Allah will forgive them for the sake of living in the world for peace in the world. What I saw in my eyes as much as you want with your hands, I see the sky in just the sky, I see the sea in just the sea, why you are doing unnecessarily? The things I see are never going to get away from my mind or not, do not worry, I eat your income. what do you do, It is my mistake to consider what not to do. Still saying that you have no problem, gave you free for life, your decision will depend on the future of our child.
When Rashid heard of Minu's face, then it became difficult for him to answer the truth, even after crying so much that he could not believe the man that I was innocent. No, Minu is not innocent, Plays to be innocent, Tears aside for acting, Do not understand the work of the world by paying attention to actions, Wants to serve her husband but she does not get the chance Minu, Rashid does not want this opportunity, Sometimes a man wants to laugh himself with a laugh, Rashid wants to laugh but cannot, Rashid can understand exactly what lies in truth that he can swear by all that is possible. Their quarrels were almost intrigued, they were cut short, Minu wanted to keep the truth in lies, but Rashid really told the truth.
One day, when a young man came along with a friend, a middle-aged man with a girlfriend came home and started coming to the door of his house, Rashid started to say that there are some secret discussions that are not applicable to Rashid, Rashid does not say anything, Rashid sat in the next room with a guest, Minu also comes in contact with a long time in conversation, Rashid learns that the next woman has divorced her first husband and has married her colleague, now she is well. The children also live with their parents and they also have the mom, Minu also has some friends, they talk about the same thing, there is no current one, and they are all happily spending a second time with their second husband.
Rashid has been involved in numerous issues, but there was no reconciliation. There are a lot of compromises here; the struggle for survival and the desire to survive here are desperate. One day Rashid told Minu on one side of the fight in front of the children.
-You write Minu, the second marriage is waiting in front of you, trying to convert my truth to your cleverness. I started with suspicion, hope that you prove it by your actions but whatever you do keep my power in my capacity, I can change the place, at least one happily than the other, and I gave you the happiness, you will continue to do bad things like an umbrella, it does not happen Minu.
Minu does not say anything, only the head is standing upside down, in which the storm rises, there is no stagnation in the work, no one can easily get up with arguments and arguments, he is today making wood for the accused, yet he is trying hard to call his own misdeeds. Rashid says,
-What do you think Minu, if you go to the second world, you are evaluated, right? People buy expensive shoes only to get to the feet, no one cares. Your place will be in such a place, but there is a difference, if you go to the second husband, you will not suffer, your job is good, Get good salaries, you do not have to ask for anything, Husband will survive.
Minu replied- I did not blame.
Rashid says,-
The thief never confesses his crime.  Because theft is not a crime to steal from the viewpoint of the thief, the theft of the thief is stolen. The biggest connection between husband and wife is the belief that you have lost, in our long run, I could not believe you, you are a woman or something else?
How often does such a quarrel occur, Dad sometimes goes back to the news again, maybe forgot all the parents, there is no change in the mother, even today it was still there. In this way, Mita remembered a long time ago hidden behind the memories, Mita becomes unnecessarily thinking about this, The more you remember the past, the more the sadness increases,  Mother's misconduct, Mentality not to forgive my father,  With childhood, What has happened that the father cannot afford, Dad is a mental patient! Does he want to see a doctor? Dad used to ask many times that the father only said, 
"The day it grows up, I will understand exactly".
Today they have grown, now it is understandable that the main point of the dispute between the parents, where and with what, Minu often said that Rashid should be rabid, he should be treated, Rashid realizes that the name of the doctor is called the name of the evil person, only then Rashid will be able to tell, Rashid Baker Emotionally weakened from work. The upper body of the head is gradually tilted towards the west, its shadows have begun to grow from small to medium, and the daytime work is cut in a day, thus, months and years. Farmers started a new era and started to work in another crop. The year of the educational institution starts the end of the New Year, new possibilities.
To Continue >>>http://bit.ly/2zcIeUF

Silent hell (Part-9)

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