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Unfinished Dialogue (Episode-3)

Episode -3

Time is running at its own pace. Time is running at its own pace.  Watching the clock, the end of the day, Night is imprisoned in dark, Nature is changing. Changes in human life and changes in human life in the transformation of nature change the world. The fall of the fertile breed and the new flock is fluttering through the forest and the desert. Mita was admitted to the college; Rita started her education again at school and started studying her studies. Mita has been admitted to the college, admitted to the Rita School, and started the new studies. New Year, new educational institution, and the new environment ahead of the past going forward. A large pond On the side of the road lying on the floor of infinite water lying like a pregnant woman. The big playground on the north side of the pond where local boys are ready to play in the afternoon. However, there is a narrow road between the pond and playground the road to goes to college. However, there is a narrow road between the pond and playground, the road to go to college. Not only the college, the city's best educational institution or public office is one of the only roads, there is nothing wrong with calling this road office road or school road. Mita goes to college every day, more boys’ and girls’ go to the same street, and there are new friendships with many. Often a boy is seen, but he does not talk, but it was one day that at a wedding ceremony it is not too much. 
One day Mita, Nahida, Sharmin, Pratibha, and Sheauly are sitting in the Amatola in college camp, at the same time, a little-known boy of appeared there, Nahida introduced to everyone.
-This is our Shahi, B.com studying, There is another playwright also.
Sharmin said,- not only the playwright but also a private teacher.
Shahi says,- is not going to be too much?
Nahida says,- the one who has to pay the amount you deserve, so you completely refined.
Shahi said, pretty good there are new members in your team. It seems quite familiar, where to look.
Pratibha says, where else to look, maybe in college or on the street.
Both are right, but apart from these two, we have seen somewhere else.
Nahida says, "Mita, why do not you ask, where did you meet, on the river bank, or in the pond?"
Mita becomes red in shame, does not talk, just like astonished at the face of the girlfriends, and the head is quiet silently, there is nothing openly, it seems that the man is unafraid,
- No have little shame.
Sharmin said,- Oh my god, the heroine is going to be red in shame.
Nahida says- I will introduce, this is our Mita has got new admission in our college and Leave in the hospital quarter, to see such a beautiful, very talented, just like not beautiful, like form ban Multiplication.
At this time the Mita answered,- did not feel good, why could not stop?
Shahi laughs, be it and you did not have to say, your friend is neglected like shyness.
Everyone laughs together, but except the Mita, because there is no environment created by the Mita to laugh.
Shieauly looked at Mita and said, what are you thinking? 
Shahi says, okay you gather a chat, I go, aiming for Mita and said, Hi new girl, will meet next time.
Shahi goes backward, does not look back, Mita is very careful with curved eyes Shahi.
After a week Mita was walking on the balcony of college suddenly she met with Shahi and say, why busy, where are you going?
Hi Mita, How are you?
I did not recognize that day, seems did not see any day.
The first day I saw it was eyesight, so I did not think, the day after I saw it, I have seen it in mind, I think from now on.
Nahida and Sharmin were standing on the second floor, there is no doubt about Shahi, but there is a lot of fun to do. Shahi funny people, love to have fun Nahida calls from the porch,
We are watching.
Shahi looked up and replied, Do not take eyes, but they will decrease.
Sharmin said, there is no problem, if reduce it we will fill up it.
Shahi says, thanks for the sake of secretion.
Mita says when you are going to our house? I already talk with my mother about you.
Shahi says, of course; first, invite me after I will go.
Like your convenience.
Ok, I’ll come.
In the meantime, Shahi was not seen with Mita for a long time, one afternoon Shahi visited the hospital quarters,
Shahi's presence was somehow unexpected because it was not the idea of Mita or her family that the assessment of Mita's speech would go home. Only three members of the family, mother, and two sisters came to each and talk to Shahi, Shahi also very for their Sincerity. Mita's mother, who did not want to miss the talk of Shahi at one of the occasions, everyone is open-minded people. On the other side of the discussion, sitting in the next room, Mr. Harun opened the door without saying anything; he went straight out and realized that Shahi's arrival did not look good.
Shahi asks who he is. Did not any talk?
Mita says, My uncle.
Where did he live, what to do?
Yes, she works for mom, mother's colleague.
Shahi pauses a little chest, Uncle! Mother’s colleague!
Today's chat ends, but Minu's request is often called Shahi's visit to this house.
The chances are good to accumulate, as long as the day goes on, the kinship increases. Shahi is not a kinsman, a member of this family, as happy as the division of happiness, the lesser the part of the sadness also, also by offering different suggestions, will give advice to this family, graduate students, What is the suggestion?
The real thing is that advises to Mita and Rita, follows it carefully and walks well. Shahi's friends make fun about Shahi, No one can come to a conclusion, Who is the heroine? Shahi's good relations and friendship with everyone, in the end, the incident was such that those who were boyfriends say that Shahi only talks with girls, girlfriends say, very arrogant and do not hurt anyone. One time friends get annoyed and ask, what is your matter? Shahi becomes like astonished, what exactly is it? The incident has spread a lot, but what about so many screams? Will Shahi think about discovering an event, but what will he discover? A few days later, on the college ground, under the glittering mango tree, looking at the sky, Shahi, Friends who did what everyone did, Seeing the stand of Shahi, going near to Shahi and look at the sky in the same way, What is the view that Shahi is seeing? After seeing them, some of the students stood behind so that no conference was organized. Shahi is wondering what the reason is. Why so many people! Shahi asks, what are you looking at looking at the sky?
One said, brother, we were looking which you find.
Shahi feels annoyed, My God! My head was shaking, so I felt a little relaxed looking at the sky.
Friends were disappointed, nothing happened here! Almost everyone who was present was disturbed, so much so that he looked forward to seeing something in the sky and headache! Nobody laughs and nobody smiles. It was not enough to rescue Shahi's secret mysteries, and the amount of information that was revealed, it was not enough to know that only one person went to the hospital quarter and spent enough time there. Mamun has retrieved a bit more information because he is close to Shahi, and if the information is elaborate, it means that the mother's mother requested that the girl give her some time, so that Shahi spent the leisure time there and also saw the girl as a friend Shahi wants to say something different or in different ways, but he does not mind, Everyone is happy about Shahi, They have fun and do the same.In his holiness, Shahi demonstrates, although there is a little weakness in Mita and it is always short, there will be no effect anywhere. The day goes by, nobody goes crazy about Shahi but rather keeps on growing.
To Continue >>>http://bit.ly/2j4sKY3

Silent hell (Part-9)

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