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Unfinished Dialogue (Episode-1)


The sound is heard from the distance. Looks like a disaster coming from the silence of the night. Whistled, it looks like a dim light. The intensity of light continued to increase, the arrival of Chaitra at the end of the Falgun, there was light rain in the middle, the cold wind started, the train stopped at the Bhagalpur railway station, three animals from the train. A middle-aged woman and two teenage daughters, these three animals coming out of the train in the night wake up tired, counting down the boxes that accompany them, calculating and calculating, all is well, yet the red light of the dawn is not bloated, there is darkness on the four sides. It is about five kilometers away from the railway station, it is difficult to find the vehicle here, even if it is in the morning, or even in the morning, the vehicle is more than the rickshaw. There are many van cars, which do not carry any passengers; these are just van trousers, The goods brought to the train take the city, Among them the fish van is more than a variety of vegetables, The rest of the van dragged people into a fictitious way and dragged them like a cow. There are fewer cars in the van here, As much as possible to overcome a lot of distance in the river path by boats, Just like the van car, In less money, the van car can be easily rested in the comfort of the van around the cars. Gradually the dawn's light starts to boil, The moneylender van is starting to come, Although two or one have come, Also, the cold air in the uneven and the cold sack on the sheet of cold winter clothes, Sitting on the oven, heating the body, Some of the passengers, who came in, sat in a tea stall, somebody or sitting in the verandah of the railway station's mosque. There is no longer waitingno waiting for the waiting time, bigger painful than waitingbig disappointment of waiting. Strangers are uncomfortable to say no sense of waiting in any place. The middle-aged woman took shelter on the roots of the big tree in the railway station with her two daughters and her belongings. Drying a wet face with wet tongs, the girl is flung by duck; the woman understands that the main vehicles of this place will be van car, So she got up and asked a man.
-Go to the government hospital?
-No, they need to take the Moneylender van and take money from Moneylender’s goods.
-How do I go to the government hospital? 
The van driver says that wait a little longer, there will be more van cars or rickshaws, then it will be easier to go to any one of the hospitals in the vehicle but there will be more time to sit. Darkness started to become radiant all over now, although the sunlight could not come in the cloudy sky, the news of the rising sun was not left. How long ago the sun rose, the train station daily hawkers, the shopkeepers along with the shopkeepers came to the railway station, There was a ruckus in the moment, everyone was going to the car as a favorable bargain, and it is going on in their own destination. The new old red, black colored van car is painted in a blue color, then broken letter is written in the name of the transport owner, it is enough for a common man to own a van car for the common people of the Downtown area, those who do not have van carsthey do not have the end, a van car means something, One thing has happened, that is such a feeling. Those who are poor, day by daythey are happy. A van car and a mobile are a lot of things for them, and the people who are artificially big people are happy about what they are doing. The mother and daughter stand on a van car with many bargains, and the van runs fast in the middle of the middle of the middle of the half-track. The cold air in the morning starts to boil, the van car is not one, ten or twenty together, in a row, and there are two rickshaws in the middle. There is no word in anybody's face; drivers are wearing their ears and body with a towel or a coat of cloth, leaving the eyes open only and keeping the eyes open in the form of an animal in an odd shape. There are no words in the mouth of some passengers sitting under their forearm in the head and sitting silently under the armpit, There are three people in the vehicle in the middle of the vehicle, who are in the hospital, night train travels and dense fog in the morning, snow and air, and in the cold winter one day, through their head and ears are twisted with their veins, even if they look at the face, Has become. The tip of the nose is like the color of the Vermilion, The hair is standing straight up, Hunger, fatigue, winter, together with these three organisms, have been involved in the war. The rays cross, A large bridges on the road crossed the market, through the middle of Basantapur and Mathura Pur, the road that stopped at the plateau, stopped at the left side of the little road, The court and jail on the right goes straight through that roadTatal Char, Bahinnagar, not to go to Baliardi and go straight to Saha Pur Road to the hospital.The house was already fixed, in the hospital quarter. Muffins city hospital Bleeding house, no employee wants to stay, it is not difficult to get a good home out of lesser money than the rent that the government has to pay. Most employees stay in a rented house renovated with less money than the government house. In collaboration with the Security staff, the lady went to the house. In the way, the gentlewoman goes to the office, dressing the girl like a bird's cunt. After a busy day's work, like a hungry lion, returned home, it was not his exception to the gentle lady. From the neighboring house to the two well-wishers, to be known, the newly arrived lady introduces herself to the interest, introduces the girls to her.
-This is my elder daughter named Mita, and she is the little girl named Rita, the boy is in the second year in the government college, in the hostel, the elder daughter will be admitted to the first year in one of the colleges and the younger daughter will be admitted to a school in class nine.
Yes the well, how difficult it is to stay in the city of Muffins with a transfer from the district, what a problem it is! Do not know, you have to be on the job, this is exactly the case.
Muffins town boy cannot be the man! Go! Many people have been, but they do not have to worry about it, what is upset, in the evening, the night is, Took out her nest, Mother gave me delicious food in the face of the girl, then the bed! Wake up.
It is morning. This is how life continues. Life, like life, is at its own pace, Time passes, the day ends, the night is dawn, new leaf grows in the tree, the pulse grows, the branches grow, Flowers are blooming, and they fall apart. River tide comes, Fall down, the season's change, spring comes and spreads its form. The vast open field of the hospital, animal birds and games were cut by dust, Mita and Rita are a few days.

Some days later,
Rashid cannot stay sending wife and Childs abroad, whether to love affection, whether for the sake of duty or for the sake of society, the address itself appears in the wife's new workplace. The environment of the area, the environment of the workplace, looks at everything, looks after the people, not the evil, all is well, it is only if the person himself is good. Although the wife is an office worker, she does not lack her husband's services, why else? In the traditional social system of Bengalis, the husband is the womanWoman god husbandWoman beauty husband, the fate of the woman is that husband. Rashid sat at a dinner table with his wife and daughter, they advised everyone to be well, If that's the best, If it is evil, It is foreign, No friends, No one is an enemy, It is wise to manage everyone. The girls heard about it, understood something and did not understand anything again. Rashid's wife did not think it was necessary to listen, with the husband in the quarrel, she is now out of the house with her two daughters, outside society, and otherwise, she did not want to save her Childs from the family with the husband! Why not! Why! And now why is so much advice? Not so good advice, you’ve come to visit, cared about, now go now. He said to mind, did not make a word on the face. She feels sad, But there is no anger. There is jealousy, Huff but there is no protest. The meal ends, leaving the table to leave everyone. The girls go to their roomRashid goes to the drawing-room, but after coming here, he is sleeping in this roomthere was not a good relationship with the wife before, it is not possible to think of the present. He is comfortable in the drawing-room. It is better to stay away from unnecessarily quarreling. Rashid's wife did not show any interest or unwillingness in this matter, stay in the drawing room, only one in the house. Yeah, there was only one roof but much more! Rashid came from his house to his wife's house, his wife had to lay down the bed, and Rashid said,
Minu is the wife of Mr. Rashid.She is The beautiful lady is a mother of Mita and Rita. Minu looked at Rashid once, and then went on one side of the room without saying anything, Rashid said again, 
-You have never evaluated my words, Not only that today, Yet, Since I am not divorced with you legally I am your husband, Take advantage of my weaknesses, do not spare yourself, do not give up your personality again; do not cheat me with the moment of embarrassment, for the sake of the child, do not hang me up with your tarnished life. Thinking that the son does not ask you for some time, Do not want to know anything to you, The one whom you conceived has turned away from you, What else to say! So now you understand that hatred is born to you, but not only I, why cannot you know? I just am cannot I am the father; I came back repeatedly on the hateful way of jealousy, I'm dumbfounded with rotten dirt, this hatred, I cannot explain how shameful it is Whom I love a lot that gives me lot of pain, whom I cannot forgive even though I cannot believe the cry for him again. I was your best friend, will be my friend, not just our bundle. Let's say what I say, City of the muffins! Try to save yourself with the two daughters. My guess is that, in my house, you do not want to go anymore, I will come. I'll come to the occasion; please do not mind, please. Do not bother you. Both of my daughters are with you. I have to come. I cannot be a husband. I have been a father, I cannot keep it, I can see from the distance! Do not worry for the son and now he is bigger, every month I send money to him, what does a fool son you know? Say, "Father, why do you read books all day, use on Facebook, like me, write comments, we will be friends".Laughing in mindtoday's children cannot think of reading a book, only the time when the internet, Facebook, Skype, the taste of the book, how many tunes can give soul to a book, it is not possible for the children to say today. Are you excited about Minu? Do not mind, every month I will pay a little bit more for the two daughters, You manage the rest, Dad's mind, if I cannot give anything, then will I get peace?
Mr. Rashid gradually moved out of the house. Again looking at Minuagain say MR. Rashid,
-I will go to the morning train. You will not be seen in the morning. Be well, be careful.
Minu silent, do not say anything, Rashid goes to his room, collecting his clothes and calculating the rosary of life. Minu looked inside the window glass and looked towards Rashid fifty. The girl has slept so hard, the night is deep, and the twelve o'clock is a little more. Rashid's room lights go out; the seekers of Rashid sink in deep darkness. Darkness on one side of the house, On the other hand, lightMinu took out the light of his house and looked out of the window outside the windowThere is no moon in the skyThere are fragmented clouds, The sky thunders, Weep, but it does not rain, The wind is blowing, The storm does not rise, Nature is very uneasy today, Weeping own self-scouting to others.

To Continue >>>http://bit.ly/2B16LJI

Silent hell (Part-9)

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