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Silent hell (Part-6)

Silent hell 

Mr. Ben was walking indifferently with the footpath of the city. The brothers and sisters and the elderly mother know what is in the condition. Cannot send money to an old mother. He cannot do anything for his family. He feels embarrassed to know someone. There is no way to hide him, Wife, children, and society all poisonous to Mr. Ben. All day did not eat, there is no money in the pocket, just looking in the dark eye, all the way to survival is closed. No one calls on how much office life has been submitted, whether it is a job or some other way. The wife is waiting for a dry pot, the child looked at when the father came with food, and this life is just frustration, big shame, Mr. Bin cannot continue with hunger in the stomach, the body comes slowly and tired. It is such misfortunes that people have to walk on the streets for a normal job. Going to a store drinking a glass of cold water Mr. Ben. The skin of the body is black in color, the heat of heavy rains, the dust on the ground; it is such a misfortune that people have to walk on the streets for a normal job. One can go to a shop and drink a glass of cold water by Mr. Ben. The skin of the body is in black color, in heat of extreme heatGod has given Mr. Ben many things, gave him the education of the university, gave the educated wife, gave flowers to the innocent child, not just happiness, Mr. Bane never wanted such a life, but God gave him this life, the gift of God is not the end, Walking again Mr. Ben on the streets of the city on a large street in the foothills of the city. Mr. Ben has gone a long way through this road, but with no car to walk, on the right course of life, he is being hit by the trick of reality today. On the right course of life, wounds are being torn by the trick of reality today.
Just before the evening, Mr. Ben returned home. Hungry Heaven is crying, Haven has learned to speak now, can talk about his own needs. Understand that hunger, need to understandunderstanding play, Just do not understand the father's unemployment, the lack of family. When the wife came to Miss Ella, Mr. Ben looked at his wife's face and realized that the face was dry because not eating it all day. The hair did not fold, it looks like pale. Miss Ella was not born into a wealthy family but was born in a well-to-do family; hunger does not have any day, which has come to her husband's family. The body has loveliness. It can be understood that one day was fine. Heaven ran to Mr. Ben and said.
-Daddy, what did you bring for me? Where's my doll?
Mr. Ben does not say anything, sitting in the chair placed in front and looking at helpless towards his wife's face, takes Heaven. Heaven again says.
-Why are not you talking? What happened to you? Did someone kill you?
Mr. Ben who took Heaven responded with a smile, Miss Ella.
-What will be the answer to the daughter? Do not eat anything all day, I have said repeatedly that you will bring something, I know, where will you get it, Still have given false comfort?
Mr. Ben said.
-how many places throughout the day, how many offices went in, I went to the office that offered me for a job, no one trusted. Another job becomes easier for one job; it is very difficult to get a job lost in employment. The path is closed all the way. What will happen now?
Heaven again said,- dad, why do not you talk to me?
Miss Ella- Heaven do not disturb the dad, Come to me.
Miss Ella goes back to the room next to Heaven. Walking into the room for a few minutes, open the almirah, take it in the hand, and then came out with the water of Miss Ella's eyes. On the left hand, removing tears of water again came back to Mr. Ben. Mr. Ben was laughing, Miss Ella has been weeping many times, and the depth of today's tears is much higher. The cry is more than the cry of many women in the world. Then Miss Ella says.
-There is no food in the house; the landlord came to house rent for two months due.
-Are you crying?
-How much would I want to relatives? The family does not have any donation.
-Is that what's in your hand?
-At the time of marriage, you have given a blessing to this ring, I sold some gold of Heaven before, now we have to sell the ring of the blessing and rent the house and buy food.
Mr. Ben did not say anything. He looked silent and his wife looked towards Ella.How much a woman can sacrifice for the husband and child, with the ring that started a new chapter in their life, the ring that the husband had tied up with his wife, unselfishly gives the ring to sell it to her husband.
-Ella finally will sell the ring of the blessing?
-To survive saves the child.
-What else to sell after that. All is the end Come on, do not stay in town. Go back to the village.
-Do not be afraid if you have the power to survive.
Mr. Ben once went to the window and looked at the outside, came back to the house and then said.
-Ella, if could see the fate once, If I could catch one.
-Who are you proud of? On God? Fury is your huff. Be content with what your God has given you. Your integrity has set us in our path. I do not regret it if your honesty is the cause of our sadness, then I will tell you thousands of salutes. Our days will change, surely it will be. If you do not have a job, at least I will become a jobit is my belief in God. You have lost faith.
Mr. Ben breathed a little bit of peace and said,- there is no news about your job?
-The phone came from an office, they have some conditions if they meet and they can appoint me.
-You're ready to agree, if one's job is done then it will still work.
-The harder the conditions, I agree, are waiting for your permission only.
-Ella, if happiness ever comes, then maybe happiness cannot be enjoyed. How will many curses, how many curses exist between happiness?
Take the ring. It will return. Mr. Ben went out with a ring from Miss Ella's hand. The street lights in the city have been lit. On the opposite side of the workplace, Mr. Ben was walking on the opposite side. The street lights in the city have been lit. On the opposite side of the workplace, Mr. Ben was walking on the opposite side the memories of the days of happiness in the past in front of the eyes, the tears of the flute, the love of Heaven, the love of affection. Suddenly the wind started, the dust of the street started flying and the dirty papers were flying in the sky, playing the intensity of the wind.

To continue >>>http://bit.ly/2yE1c6g

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Silent hell (Part-9)

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