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Silent hell (Part-4)

Silent hell

As much as Mr. Ben wanted to hide his job, the more he started to reveal. Miss Ella lost her job. Mr. Ben also lost his job, no news is about happiness but two news is shyness because some of the outside educated or uneducated people do not try to know so much, only this knowing that if a person does not commit a big fault, he will not be dismissed from employment. So Mr. Ben is not a good man, and his wife Miss Ella may have done a shameful act for which she had to lose her job. Mr. Ben and his wife Ella did not go outside the house for a few days just for shame. Everyone in the neighborhood knows that the relatives know that both husbands and wives are employed but why are they unnecessarily in the house? If there is any problem at home then why should they stay in a house, but why are the two people home? This is the truth. But the truth is that it cannot be easily revealed; only the Ben family knows. Two months have passed, the money was not too much, with the amount of money that was purchased by the land at the cost of the family, now the land cannot run for the next one week without selling the land. It is not possible to borrow from anyone, those who were close relatives, they did according to the financial aid, but how many days would it be? Every day, money, clothes, medicine, and other materials needed money. Where will this money be? There is no source.
Mr. Ben does not say anything quietly. Nature's weather is very hot, in the direction that it looks, only the euphoria. The baby girl Heaven has been struggling to get the necessary things. How long will it take for Miss Ella's elder brother to give her the necessary things? There is only respecting. There is only darkness. All roads are closed, no assurance anywhere, friend-friend has given many jobs but when will the job? Just think, the solution will solve all the problems. It is in vain to argue with one's own mind, expressing the logic of mind with the mind. If you accept the false accusation of the office, it will be the answer. He replied in my own mindhe did not commit any fault, once a quarrel with one's own mind becomes exhausted. It is good to survive crime on the earth. Nothing else, the child will not eat. They will not be provoked themselves. Do not ask for the relatives. The hand that one day gave to everyone, with that hand, to accept the donation of others, how shy!
How insulting it is, it cannot be expressed in words.
Miss Ella works in own mind. Looks at her husband but she does not speak. Mr. Ben got up and asked Miss Ella
-Has Ella something to cook today?
Miss Ella Silent. She has no mind to speak. So just look no further than saying no. Looking for Miss Ella is a language, in which Mr. Ben understood, there is nothing in the house. Miss Ella's language is hanging out today. Mr. Ben said.
-Ella, if the bird flying in the open sky is caught in the storm, then the bird is in trouble, if the bird could say or if the hunter's friend shot him, then no one came forward to rescue bird.
-Owing to Ella, what are you talking about a mad? 
To say again Mr. Ben,
-One day we had a lot of things, we have nothing today. How many families are left to eat our food, today we do not eat? I cannot give anything to you. Only a few days of happiness then there are nothing but lack, disappointment. If this is life Ella, then what was the need of this life?
Ella says life is a battleground. We have to survive by fighting here. The storm will come, the wind will blow, do not be afraid.
-How many offices have applied, you have applied, no news comes from anywhere. Whereas I have done the proper job, how many people have benefited from the fact that they have not helped me, I have not been able to help those who have helped them.
-I did not complain to you.
-If you do not have to complain, your child will come and complain soon after she has asked for food.
-I believe we will go back to the previous day.
-You can trust but nothing seems to happen.
Heaven's cry came from the next room. Miss Ella ran away to the child. The evening is drawing clouds in the sky, there may be a storm in the night and it may rain. Mr. Ben gradually went back to the verandah, moving ahead with a highway, driving cars one behind the other aheadmoving ahead, running the race of speed. This is life. Anyway, we have to move forward.

To continue http://bit.ly/2gKqww9

Silent hell (Part-9)

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