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Silent hell (Part-3)

Silent hell

Everyone wants to get back in the past days, the memories of losing days never disappear from their minds, happy days are remembered by people when sadness comes and goes hard. Miss Ella's happiness days have been drowned, laughter and joy gone, peeping around the family, heaven is being taken to school and now Miss Ella's main job trying for employment but there is no benefit. Costs are increasing, income is not rising. Mr. Ben comes home late in the night and goes out in the morning to work in the office; family talk is not discussed properly. After a few days, Mr. Ben was dismissed from the job. The office was found to have a lot of money, which did not give any correct answer to the official authorities, Could not give the correct answer that the account was before Mr. Ben. The time of the person who was in charge. Mr. Ben did not tell Miss Ella about the dismissal of his job, said Mr. Ben's friend. Miss Ella got confused about the news and stopped all the streets of the living. Just like every day, Mr. Ben comes home with everything needed for toys and food for Heaven. Miss Ella does not say anything just looking at Mr. Ben. 
-Will Ella say something?
-Where did you get the money?
-Why my salary.
-What will be hidden in me? Tell me honestly. Do you steal office money? To manage your family's problems, you are doing I say to relatives? When knowing your job has gone out of the office due to a problem, everyone will think you have stolen, did you really do it?
Anything cannot say, Miss Ella, only the water with two eyes. Mr. Ben does not say anything; the head is humble quietly silently. The question arises, Ella who knew that there is no job.
-Will not you answer me?
-If you hear the truth, you will get more trouble. Life has never bowed down to injustice, so I quit the job myself.
-I have no job, have you resigned your job?
-I did not commit any fault but if I had confessed fault office would have considered me, I know, there will be problems in my life. If I accept it without being guilty, then I will be guilty of the future. Nobody will ever believe me any day.

It does not matter. Both are silent. Mr. Ben goes to bed and looks at the sleeping haven, maybe not everyone will have to eat from tomorrow and heaven will not be missed. The society is very difficult, does not release anyone, and came to a difficult door of reality, Mr. Ben and Miss Ella's family. There is a good way to survive. The day after dawn, they went out of the house Mr. Ben. Those who stood in front of Mr. Ben's chair, stood down on his head, which one day saw Mr. Ben's car standing in front of his carthey did not give any value to Mr. Ben today. They realized that Mr. Ben's day the end now we have to respect that new gentleman sitting in the chair.

To continue http://bit.ly/2yanGvm

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Silent hell (Part-9)

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