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Death of a love (Episode-4)

Death of a love (Part-4)

Suruj walks, fields ghat crosses the river and goes straight to the big road from where a vehicle can go to the city, the purpose is not just city The goal is to hospitals, Where the leprosy is fighting with the death of a wifeYesYes, when Sabina thinks of Sabin then Suruj temper is bad, The head becomes hot in anger Poor wife can kill herself by seeing a bride, He is not married to kudu's, How many days that the poor wife gave a cheek to deathshe did not have any reckoning. How many days that the poor wife gave a cheek to deathshe did not have any reckoning. Again the poor widow thinks that she was not less, while Sabina's chest used to spit at the time of marriage, and when she saw the chestshe felt trembling in her heart, and now, if she saw the body of Sabina, then there is no attraction of Suruj, how can it be, what is dry wood and rope? Suruj walks fast, the afternoon of afternoon sunset on the west, The intensity of the sun comes down on the forehead of the sunrise, The head, and body of the oil gives chicks in the light of the sun, Sweat and oils fall from the body, Slowly upstairs, Suruj, Then, in a van car some of them started going to the city. After the evening, there is separate lint in the face of the gentle wind and the dust of the street. The black shirt is still wearing a dirty garment on the body and the towel on the neck, and gradually moving up to the Suruj's rented van, there is no possibility of garbage vehicles, any noise or environmental pollution. Just after the evening, Suruj appeared on the verandah of the hospital. The elder aunty of the Suruj said.
-You have survived or have not died? How many days do you want to watch the bride?
Do not talk about Suruj. He is silly listening to his auntie’s words. Then after The big doctor's finished his hospital duty and left the ward, then Suruj comes into the word near the sickly wifeSuruj touches the forehead of his wife. No neglect or insignificance, No jealous hate, Not everybody's kindness or compassion towards Sabina, this is love for Sabina, This is the sign of the love that born husband and wife for a long time. Sabina was lying unconscious. Despite being poor enough, she did not feel embarrassed. With the help of Suruj, he understands that the left-handed head looked straight at Suruj and Sabina said.
-Are you there? Is your body good? Something you eat? Did you bring anything for me? I feel very weak.
Suruj do not say anything, what will bring? There is no one in the house that will cook something for Sabina but even if there are a younger sister and mother, they are busy for the marriage of Suruj, and what do they think of Sabina? Do not think. Suruj cannot even think when the khudu's comes to the Suruj with the bloated chest. Sabina is the end, the only rest of the formalities of death. If Sabina is buried, after completing a few days, Suruj will get married. However, Sabina is feeling very hungry in the stomach. Suruj is sitting in one corner of the bed and listening to Sabina talking Suruj is silent, cannot say anything, what will he say? Suruj did not bring anything for Sabina.Sabina again says.
-how long I have been in the hospital, there is no name come round for my disease, Doctor just says, better, when will it be good? Do not wear hospital and eat well, in the morning, a bowl of rice flour, like a bowl of rice, gets another bowl at night, life without rice?

The illusion of Suruj on the widowed wife, the anger against the wife is true; it his private but not society, really Suruj loves the wife. Do not let the sick wife do her something today; she has given one day, During the whole day, when Suruj came home in the evening, he got hot water in the winter, occasionally Sabina's brush was massaged, so that Sabina was unable to cope with the bones without meat and then tears in the eyes. Suruj goes away in the open space in the front of the hospital, with a polythene-made house, where poor rickshaw, low-income people, sit on the ground and eat some of the stomach full of food with potato dough or something like this. Suruj asks the shopkeeper.
-Brother, there is good curry to eat rice?
The shopkeeper says.
-there are fish, potatoes, and egg-apple, tilapia fish have fried but the price will be very high.
According to the capacity of the Suruj for a widow, polythene takes thick rice and fish curry, think in the mind, how long will live the lean wife and how many days! Today, the wife will give her rice in her mouth and take little more aunts also eat.After visiting the hospital bed, the leopard wife is lying in tears waiting for Suruj. Seeing Suruj and say,
-What do you bring, rice? How many days did not eat rice? Oh, after eating rice put my body in your hands? How long have I not slept?
-Well, first you eat.
The Suruj, who wants to feed his wife with rice on the plastics plate provided by the hospital comes at a time when the hospitals assigned nurse.

 The Suruj does not slap, does not slap, but slaps the desire as if it is the stupidity of Suruj. Because, as soon as eating rice, the patient cannot be saved, as long as she live will have to survive just eat some rice or feed the rice. Suruj was ridiculously insulted from the ward Suruj came to the heart of the hospital balcony. Suruj's older aunty says.
-There is no rush in the talk of hospital nurses. The behavior is very bad. You do not mind, you will go again; you will have your own hands on your wife.

Although the insult has been insulted enough, the insult has not covered him, there is no reason to feel humiliated evens the simple people of the village, do not understand the customs of the city if he could understand that how much of the humiliation could have guessed. Sitting like a fool in the hospital's balcony’s the smoker's appetite arises, a chance to go down on the opportunity. It tastes happiness. Even if he does not have a habit of battlehe eats a battle and the front teeth are a little big, the teeth are slightly reddish in shape, it is a strange awkward, Suruj returned to the hospital again after 8 o'clock, there was no chance for the patient to go. Sabina wants to know her older aunt.
-Aunt, he has gone or has there? Where is the sitting? Again, there is no ill health, maybe does not eat something in the house, who will give him food for eating at home? Tell the person where now? 
an older aunt did not say anything a word, sitting with Sabina and foot massage, Sabina again says.
-Aunt, please go out to find him. The man is feeling hungry due to hunger.
Suruj was sitting on the balcony of the hospital. The older aunt calls him.
-Hi Suruj, you don’t feel relaxed?
-Do not relax, wife does not sleep?
-No, just asking for you.
-Eat rice?
-No, she will not eat unless you eat. The wife is forbidden to eat rice, Just feed the rice.
-Cannot spell the rice?
-You make the spell and give to her.

To continue >>>http://bit.ly/2hafalc

Silent hell (Part-9)

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