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Death of a love (Episode -5)

Death of a love (Part-5)

For the third time, the body turmeric is going on the Kudus. Not exactly body turmericbody turmeric is the rich man of a city not for poor. What is body turmeric of the poor again?There are two more marriages, and the couple has given divorce. How much is Do they depend on the marriage of this time? What is the way in which poor people are poor? The poor of the village is usually marriage ceremony. If the groom wants to come and if the girl likes it, the marriage is done immediately, or after several daysthe groom comes to the wedding and takes the wife, on the day of the wedding; grandmothers sing a song and enjoyed. Now there is no joy or song in the Khudu's wedding because in the last two times there has been a lot of splendid weddings but the husband has not been able to make the house, no more rejoicing anymore. There is no interest or desire for the groom to do this. The groom is a relative relationship between miles three and a quarter. The wife has died, leaving her two sons, the bride is about sixty years old, but her body is strong, her body is still strong, yet he can work hard all day without body fatigue. The groom does business in the cattle market, but there is no one in the butcher category, the main thing is that the bride is the broker of the cattle marketthe bride has a familiarity in some villages hence the name is very popular. In the language of the village, the famous person, it is not my talk, but the ordinary people of the village say, Khudu was not ready to marry But the old father's family, the mother died several years elder brothers have to work hard to run their wives and children, then again elderly father and divorced sister cannot be looked after. Khudu has agreed to marry under the pressure of the elder brothers, otherwise, she had said, "I do not need a husband, I should serve my father, do not get married."The brothers did not believe it. The body of the buffalo was shaken, and the white skin of the body was seen. The whole day running house to house if the loss their prestige for the sister as like the cow. Brothers said if her husband's rice is in the alliance of the old man's house, an elderly bride needs an urgent wife, because the wife has died almost twenty days, in the meantime, he has stopped eating after that he has been herself a security in the house with his two younger sons. The groom’s brokerages business almost closed because he cannot go to cattle market for business. The eldest boy will be twelve or fifteen and younger will be ten or eleven years old does not even go to school he is busy with the wicked throughout the day and works for the other’s people without money. The work does not work much, collects the seeds of other trees, collects the battle, and brings the part of the trouble itself to the home.So the groom is the man of many troubles, otherwise, if the wife dies it is necessary to cross the border to show society for forty days, after marriage 20 daysit is a shame. There is nothing to do, save the family. The take care of the disabled boy, a man, is urgent to supervise his family.No problem. Khudu must be can responsibility, Khudu no need father house looking. It is good to get married. Khudu’s sister in law says,-The sooner the marriage is, the better it is.
The groom comes Khudu did not see the groom face. Will she see? When she was married then, she saw the groom very well and that the family did not live longer and see what the groom will be. Khudu will be staying at home all day and if the husband is earning money outside the house, cooked Khuduthe husband will feed the right boys and at the end, it is the duty at home. Khudu’s older father sitting in the hut with tiny, one eye does not see, blind seeing little in another eyeold age cataracts have been seen in the eyes. The flesh flies in the flesh and flies itself. Khudu once came to her father and said,
-Dad, when I got married, who will see you?
The elderly are disturbed by the daughter’s words the last two husbands could not afford to live and the elderly father could not see the happiness of the daughter. Nowadays the marriage of two divorces is easy! Do not say anything even after being agitated, Khudu says again.
-Dad, you hear what I said?
Older said,- the groom was coming?
-No, it’s time to come.
-If the groom makes a wedding then goes to the husband's house.
-I understand I am your Barrel.
Khudu performs crying. The water of the nose is wiped with the cloth and then says.pray father, this time the husband's house will die.

To continue >>>http://bit.ly/2ycC9Tv

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Silent hell (Part-9)

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