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Death of a love (Episode-3)

Death of a love (Part-3)

The marriage between Sabina and Suruj was very much done in the house. How happy they were to marry at the first stage of their youth, how many memories and how many remember, Sabina just sleeping in bed, though there is a desire to speak, there are no people to hear. Aunt mother-in-law, old man, what is the age of listening to a little girl's heart, yet sitting close to it, the story of life, the story of youth, listening to the story of the family, one time sleeping in sight and then on the other side of the patient's bed lying in front of her reluctance, nose call, slaughter beat like a cow. Sabina goes alone again, cannot tell anyone in the stomach's hunger, yesterday the husband said that she did not want to eat something, she wanted her mind, she did not say shame, if she had trouble getting the husband to buy a favorite meal. She loves Sabina a lot, can she say about this love? The patient himself, what is the patient's love with the person? How long love! Sabina cannot love to touch her husband, otherwise, she wants to think, but there is no strength, no matter how hard she can be. To understand the grief of a husband but to do nothing, to the husband is unable, helpless in life, unknowable to society; every day is destroying for conscience, In the couple of days of marriage, it is understandable that the behave of the husband is not very good, how kind of behavior seems like a madman, which is not normal, but later it is true, Someone went fishing for a new moon, and there was no bad sprite or ghost, after that, sometimes it would disappear from the house without any permission for a few days. Researchers looked again, Seeing no way of getting married to everyone's advice, his guardian, since then, all this should be done under the care of Sabina, and Sabina also performs that duty strictly.
The doctor, Kaviraj has shown a lot but Sabina cannot say that her husband healthy by which treatment, while Sabina is recovering, the Imam of the mosque should be regularly brought to the water and she would take care of the water to make her husband bathe, and no one was left out for the doctor's medication. She remembers how many days the rain has brought this mad person to the government hospital in the city, but cannot count how long it has gone. Today, the hospital itself has to lie down. Anyway, ghosts are still alive, but today the Suruj is good, not crazy. Not sick freshly healthy functional fine embodied males. Today, Suruj can also sing a sweet song, while Suruj turned to Gunai Bibi, once again Bashir played the character of the man. What is the melody of his song? Ah! The page is as tune as the tune of the bamboo tune, This tune means the girls hired from the city. Seeing the performance of Suruj, his wife was eager to be happy. The gentle and venerable women who did not listen to the songs of Suruj, Sabina went to their house and proclaimed this quality of Suruj, The husband praised, The women of the village listened to her husband's praises at Sabina, As a chance, they used to do some of their family work, The housewives of the village would say in their heart, the girl is happy with her husband, If the poor family does not have happiness then this is not the case, Women used to ask for retirement,
-What is your husband being not good? There is no madness on the head?
-He's not crazy now! The madness of the Kaviraj's water has dried up, the ghost ran away from the from my husband, Sabina herself laughed, she said.
-You did not pray?
-Do not get time, sometimes to take prayer.
-Do not miss the prayers.
Sabina cannot go to somebody's home for a long time, she has fought with her home bed some days, and now she is lying on the bed of the hospital, Suruj sometimes goes to the hospital, but not regular time, he does not get time.
Suruj's work is now much more, if he gets a little time, then try to save the chat with the Khudu's. The lustful body of the khudu's and the scalp attracts the crown, why not? The young man many days without the wife, one afternoon, Suruj flew to the hospital, after seeing a sick wife for a few days, how the mind is doing, the kudhu is seen on the way, Khudu knows magic with his bloated chest, she saw magic to Suruj and the Suruj looked at the Khudu's. One day Sabina also came to Suruj but the chest was not in the throat, Sabina is not as fair as like khudu but she was very shy. To help Suruj's household work, and if Suruj was in a bad state, he would have been able to do good in the moment of singing songs, it would be said that the family of the poor was the sea of happiness.
Khudu says.
-What is the husband of a widowed wife, where do you go now?
-Going to the city. The wife's body is worse.
-The lucky man wife deads the unfortunate husband dies.
-Your husband did not die but divorced you.
The Suruj continues to go from behind to Khudu says.
-Why not meet last night? Tonight must come I have a talk with you.
Suruj once looked back and walked again, the bloated chest of Khudu flashed in front of the Suruj eyes.There is sadness in the poor, but happiness is not less, sex is not important here, but the hunger of sex always thinks about the people, the duties here are stagnant, the people are shy, the fear is scared, the helplessness, deceit attracts people, but does not attach to dirt.The lives of the ordinary poor people of the rural areas are such that hunger and depression, happiness and sorrow, life is consumed by eating twice a day in any way.There are few people in the family, not just the living family. The fate of the city or the people are so beautiful.The fate of each person has been donated by Allah, whether it is suffering from disease, whether it is dying in a drought, fortunately, and fortune is buried. The fate of the poor is such, especially in the rural areas of the uneducated and needy families.

to continue http://bit.ly/2m03Uxd

Silent hell (Part-9)

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