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Autobiography of the Shoe (Part-1)

Autobiography of the Shoe 1

I would like to say that I have broken shoes that you have left in the dish, you might say, what is the life of me again? For the feet below the birth of his own story! I think that the story of birth will be hers. I do not know when I was born, but the vague writing on my body does not seem to be my birth in this country. I was born in a prominent family abroad. I do not want to be called Lal Babu, I did not want to come to this country and I have been brought. I got a lot of trouble. Lots of documents! I have realized how much work has to be done. How many times did I fall in the sea dock, how many people's hands that lifeless me? I still feel ashamed of him, and I am in shame.
I have spent my youth living on the streets. I have been hurt, I am sorry, will anybody believe me? I was not brought in money, I had to spend dollars to bring me, I was not alone, my friends were with me, bigger than me, smaller than me, how much color was my colleague, who knows where today! After a few days of my birth, I remember, we lived in a big room and stayed there for many years. There was no arrangement for our separation, we were kept in a house after birth and how many insects in the house that had passed through our crew all night, at first we used to be scared for the first time and after that, there was no fear. Many people were so happy to stay together, We had some great siblings who had heard many stories for those that have been here for a long time, many of them have got the color of their age, they have been cured of the skin, they used to hear many memories of their happiness and sadness, now they do not have any excuse, they are now in their stomach Just living in the vapor, they have lost all the luxuries of life today by being bound. What will happen to us? We would love to hear them, and sometimes I would cry, who could hear the life of the tears?! After spending a few days in my house, my youth began to grow, even though no outside light received air or anybody's care, I still did not have any shortage of beauty of youth. I understand youth needs the companion but how it is possible! It is easy to sing songs, sing songs secretly.

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Silent hell (Part-9)

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