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Unfinished Dialogue(Episode-13)


Bhagalpur railway station.
From the afternoon the condition of the sky is very good. Sometimes the clouds, never sunrise, let the clouds and the sun play in a secret way. Once the sun is covering the cloud, the cloud is turning into a cloud. The heel is windy. There is no intensity of gravity. Minus appeared in the station with his daughter. Mr. Harun isn't coming. Three of them are standing under the huge silk tree on the edge of the old railway station. The blind girl does not see any beauty of nature anymore, there is no curiosity to see the natureMita is standing, where she is going with the mother! Why is going, there is no application, no question, so it's going to be going. The mother asked to go home, so what will be the question again! There is no benefit of remembering the memory of the hospital quarter, what has happened here, everything that has to be played. The time is broken, and for whom wait. Nono waiting, not looked back, but on the first day, It came under the shimul tree in the cold winter due to rain they were waiting for a vehicle. The towel was sitting on the big roots of the Shimul tree. There is no rain today. The root of the Shimul tree has kept the seats to sitMita doesn't want to sit. Rita once asked, Mita-.
-Apu, that Shimul tree is still there?
Mita answers - we are standing under that tree.
-The tree has become very old is it right?
-Look, how many green leafy leaves on the treehow many birds are playing!
Rita said in the wounded voice;- tell me to see your tree?
Break the mistake of Mita. Emotionally sat down, afterward, it can understand exactly how much difference between the previous Rita and today's Rita. Today, Rita is blind. Far from the good and evil of the world, she does not see anything. Mita says.
-Sorry, Rita, I'm wrong.
Rita's eyes come with a little water under the black glasses, Rita asks Mita, -
-ApuApu, what is the water with my eyes?
Mita removes Rita's tears in her own hands and said.
-There's nothing.
Minu stood silent. There is no word, everything has gone out, today's day may be the last day with the girls, the rights of their motherhood will remain in force till the station, the girls are now grown, no law will allow them to keep themselves, and the society will not give them the right. Do you see any day with the girls? If there is a day on the roadthere will be no right to embrace the emotion, maybe the girl's husband. In front of a girl will stand in front of the girl, the old mud will be turned again and again, which becomes ugly, enchanting, she is not good enough to stand in front of anyone. Rita is blind, who knows whether the light of the world will never see! Who is responsible for this blind eye, living in a deserted village, in the woods and in the rainy season? Minu itself is responsible. Randomizing his life, destroying the world that made life Minu today, nobody is there, only alone. There is no happiness in a rude life. It is well understood today. The money left behind by The husband has to be left today, the rule is very difficult, the rule of all the world's laws above the court, his own child will also hate his mother, such a life has formed a Mínu. The life that is not to be expressed in the society, which is not about identifying the lifesocietythe child who has already fed the food like a bird's cubs, the child will take the food into his own hands and fly on his own wings, this is the eternal truth. Mr. Rashid was always a very humble man, with Minu's weakness. Minu built his own way, and the main tool was his daughter, now she has to give up the tool. Mr. Rashid will have everything he has left, his two daughters, but what did Minu get? I did not get the family, not the society! The age is growing. Mr. Harun's emotion is running out, and cannot think Minu. Mr. Rashid's property will be his own daughter, but what did Minu get? Minu did not get the family and did not get the society! The age is rising, Mr. Harun's emotion is running out, Minu cannot think. Mita is sitting silently। Rita also sitting too. There is no talk with Mita. What tells the person who does not have a light in her eyes? The bells of the station are making noise. The time has come for the train to arrive. A little later, have to get on the train. Time is running out fast. One time, when one of his bunnies bags a piece of paper to wrap it out and says in the hands of Mita-
-Say something to the mother?
-have no any memory of your father in my hands. That is, a ring given to your father, blessed me with this ring on the first night of marriage. Longtime do not use in my fingers. I cared for you. Hold on, take care, please.
Mita takes the ring from her mother's hand which her father given to her mother. Looking good, two tears of herself eyes fall unknowingly. There is no sorrow of water this water of vengeancethis is the water which her mother's disrespect to her father.after said to her mother-
-Mother, what will be this ring? My father has given to you not to return. So mother?
Minu does not say anything. The daughter has learned to speak today. Mita pulled out of the ring and saw it well and then threw the stones out of the railway track.
-What did you do, Mita, This is your father's which given to me for a blessing?
-This ring was given my father to you. I cannot carry it which you cannot value. Father was the man of the way. We threw his blessings on the way. 
Minu silent, Loneliness has been lying on the chest of stone for a blessing of a helpless father. Mr. Rashid's memory, hidden in stone chests, will be witnessed in ages. Nobody will know, no one will see, how much pain in the cursed life is hidden behind the scenes. The life that was given only, nothing has got the life that has just lost, the life that is just crying.
The train is coming.
Life is naked here, as like a prostitute. The dancer spreads the smell of the color of the water, with alcohol, No binding. Like a kite flying from one end of the sky to the other end, then spinning yarn, hugging in an address less place, Mita is flowing like a twisted kite, in some clay jars, or in some bushy habitats. There is no tension to return, there is no desire to bring it back, there is no hope of survival, love is here in front of the head, emotion gets frustrated here, and the mistakes float like a shadow of truth before the eyes. The flowers blooming in the dirty pond over the railway station, the flowers will dry up, the scorching water will dry up, the cracked soil will disappear, the flower will lose its existence and this is the rule. Here is the selfishness of life. The joy that comes out of the life of extinguishing oneself is the j the joy of this happiness is not spreading; the happiness limits the air in the air. Today, there is no tension, the speed of the front is lost, the path of the Mita has become stagnant, and the existence of blooming flowers today exists. Vibration is created on the standing ground. The earth trembles, the speed of the train decreases, the train will stop immediately, by the power of Mita, it raises the energy and then says, -
-None of us will come to farewell?
-Is there anybody here who wills farewell us?
-No, at one time were many relatives, so I said. Well, how long time will the mother be with usthe mother will not give us farewell? 
Mita does not say anything; the passengers who came on the train they are getting down, those who have long sat together for a long time, many are going down, there is no such thing as anyone, no talk, no one has ever seen it, did not sit for a long time on the same train, thank you while going on to say that it will turn out to be the courtesy of the personsuch a person's character. The passengers waiting in the station were rushing out of their seats, hurling their seatsMinu got up with the goods they brought along with the girls. Mita sat next to the window, Rita sits next to the MitaMinu sitting in the front seat. At the time of the departure of the train, Shahi came to the railway station and saw Mita sitting beside the window, Shahi goes ahead, body health is not the same as before, poorly tired, showing a lot of pain in the body, why not take care of it! The body made of soil will be mixed with soil, how many days it is. After a few days, the operation will be done, it is ready for death. This world has to leave, but why late? As well as being called before, it is better to leave before. Shahi went before. As soon as he saw Shahihe started flowing water with two faces, there was no wordShahi came forward and removed the tears of Mita with his own handsMita held Shahi's hand with his own handno words said, language is still blocked, no There is no talk, Shahi is still silent todayShahi is still looking silent in the eyes of the bow, he is silent today. The cocoon crying much for water, but there was never a rain. Today, two people are going to be living in the separate world, and what will be seen there in the worlds! The whole life will cry, but the cloud will scoff, but the water will not give up, the thirsty life will be satisfied! There are many days left to seek life and Shahi, and then everyone will forget only forgiveness, Mita. Mita wiped her eyes in the left hand. Then she told Shahi.
-Say something?
Rita says- who are you talking to?
Mita does not say anything, Rita says again;- I do not see myself in the eye, so have you cheat with me?
-You could not see it is very good for you if you had to get seen it would have been more difficult.
-Shahi did not come.
Mita and Shahi are holding the hands of their, Train giving the whistle and it is moving forward at a slow pace, While leaving his handShahi, a few steps forward, Then no longer, the bond of the hand opens, the unfinished dialogue of unfinished love loses near the speed of the train. Mita drove her hand out of the window once again and said, 'Shahi', after defeating his eyes in the left handonce again started screaming in the wind and there was no rain in the sky, started cloudburst. Shahi looked silent on the moving train; the train slowly disappeared and disappeared completely, the twinkling of the eyes of the eyes of the twinkling of the eyeslying on the dead stone lying in full Lying in slumber. Two rallies have not been reconstructed since birth and there will never be any day. Keeping the distance in front is moving forward. Nahida came, did not meet Mita, had already left the train station, saw Shahicame to him and took Shahi from behind; Shahi also looked back at Nahida but did not say anything. If someone gets rid of life gets happiness by embracing death, good Shahi has no objection; Shahi also takes the hand of Nahida firmly, so that the hand cannot run at any speed in the world.
Shahi says,- Again you embrace death?
Nahida kept Shahi's face in the left hand and said-.
-silence! Death releases people, I want to release from you.
The pain of Shahi's head continued to grow, and the sick Shahi was seized by Nahida. Nahida is still waiting for the sick Shahi. Nahida is still waiting for the sick Shahi.

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Silent hell (Part-9)

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