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Silent hell (part-8)

Silent hell

Miss. Ella and Mr. Robin are very close to nature. Mountains and green forests on the one hand, on the other side, the water of the river flowing out of the hills, enjoying such a beautiful beauty of nature gives people pleasure. Excite the mind, who in the past feeds, encourages surviving. Miss Ella loves nature a lot, is eager to play with the open sky, the green hills and the ongoing river but it does not take time. Even though Miss Ella said to so many times to Mr. Ben but it was not possible only for the busyness. When the reduce Mr. Ben’s busyness then Mr. Ben's unemployment would lack. Ms. Ella does not want to remember anything in the past. She got the happiness of her family, in the three years of her lifeMr. Ben lost her job, and Miss Ella also lost her job, faced with extreme poverty and fought with society, struggled with life and came here. Do not want to look back, that just disappoint in the past, there is no need for such a patchy past that frustrates, stinking dark past The illuminated future of life gives happiness to the future, whether he is as angry or as angry as it is, as cursed as it is, as cursed as it is. Mr. Robin and Miss Ella walk on the banks of the narrow hillside, walking through the narrow riverside. Today, the holidays will be the office picnic, so all the office-bearers of the office came together. Miss Ella and Mr. Robin, in a lonely place where the nature itself is very beautiful, its genuine love, where it is decorated in its color, goes to itself and creates a scandalous chapter of life, initiates a debris, causes bad odor, Wind society will be cool, life will be cursed, will the happiness of the world be lost, what will happen to Heaven? The life of Heaven is like a white paper. A new line is drawn on the white paper, that the straight line will occupy a large size one day, and the black cloud will be covered by an ill-fated life. Dreaming of the dream world will spread like fogs all around; the severity of light will consume the joy of life. Ms. Ella and Mr. Robin are taking pictures in various stances, Mr. Robin tells Miss Ella,
- Not exactly this way, the picture should be lifted in this way.
Miss Ella has just been silent without any words. Like the fate of different human beings in the world, the desire or choice of ideas is also different. Traveling somewhere, taking pictures is a hobby of Miss Ella, often with Mr. Ben's quarrel with Miss Ella, for many days Mr. Ben said It was not possible to take pictures with nature in a lonely place, today she hopes to come with Mr. Robin, who is selfish. Me: Robin is a very lucky, well-groomed man. Mr. Robin will fulfill the dreams of Miss. Ella's life. Miss Ella is dreaming hereMr. Robin dreams show, Mr. Ben's reality is breaking here in the air of evil love. The cold winds flowing over the river stirred the mind of Miss Ella, and the silent sound of the hill came in the ears of Miss Ella, saying the words of the past. No. Moving forward is as hard as it is to go back and forth.

About ten in the night, Mr. Robin's car stopped in front of the house of Mr. Ben. Miss Ella came down from the car. Mr. Ben stood in the balcony on the second floor only standing, did not show any interest or unwillingness. Heaven was in the house all day with Mr. Ben. Only a mobile was stopped by the wife on several occasions, but both of them expressed their grief and sorrow, but there was nothing to do, it was a matter of self-respect to share one such incident. The gentleman's wife will come home at ten o'clock in the car so that it is nothing but a shame or humiliation for Mr. Ben. At some point Miss Ella changed her dress and asked Mr. Ben, Wife Miss Ella’s has made mobile several times, no profit, mobile got off, It is a matter of self-esteem and sadness, but there is nothing to do, sharing such a thing with someone is also a matter of self-respect. The gentleman's wife will come home in another car at night so that it is nothing but a shame or humiliation for Mr. Ben. At some point, Miss Ella changed her dress and asked Mr. Ben,
- Where is Heaven?
Mr. Ben said.
- Sleeping.
Miss Ella went to the kitchen and asked Mr. Ben,
-What did you cook something? So what to eat at night?
- To eat cooked.
- Did you mean no time to cook? What have you done all day?
- What is the need to know what I have done all day?
- All day will be in the house, but do not cook, why not bunch the housewhy? What is your problem?
If you need to eat, then cook it. If you have come home at ten in the night, you can eat from the hotel.
- Why should I say so quietly? Do not earn one penny, but bigger things. What kind of goddess, what do you so brave? What is your cannot do the work of the house, Then why you? You go away.

- When the environment is going to be fully created, it will not be said anymore, it will go away. Heaven has asked you all day, I said it will be late from the office, so now it is sleeping. If you can afford, a little time is your office, then please adore him.
If I could go anywhere it’s willing to be better for me.
- Without me, God will never keep the hope of anyone. To wait for your expectation will be fulfilled.
Hated even if don’t see the face of an idiot.

There is no talk between Mr. Ben and Miss Ella. Both are silent, Miss Ella left the bed, Mr. Ben ran her and went to the verandah of the adjacent cell. Thinking about his past life, such a life may not have been expected someday, yet God has given it to him. God's gift, to whom God chooses, gives it. The depth of the night continues, the busy people of the city are returning to their homes, the roads in the street continue to run steadily, the lights of street lights are tired gradually, two men and women are shining in light, they are businessmen, body businesses, or in the slums, The dogs are barking in the dark areas of the city where the hawkers addicted to drugs, nature gives peace, No, there is no puff of birds, there is no cold water and cool air in the river, turmoil here is a daily companion. The union of youth is rarely here, harshness and shamelessness are continuous, yet people live, survivesurvive, and survive. Mr. Ben, who came into the dark room from the darkened verandah, Mr. Ben has just been alone in silent peace. He has to deal with reality.

To Continue >>>http://bit.ly/2AdlOTq

Silent hell (Part-9)

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