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Unfinished Dialogue (Episode-10)

Episode- 10

Mr. Rashid’s has folded into a white skin, black hair is on his forehead, although there is no hair on the head, there are not many evils. The arrogance of the nobility is revealed, in the course of his movements, the hair of the jute flows in the air, the face has been rising in the face. Rice sits on the side of the house, reads the newspapers, drinks tea, and shares it with two people, sometimes quite well in the field of food, but he should be able to reconcile the pleasures of the sunshine, the momentum of the moment, and the sunshine again. Sometimes the city goes to see the boy again with some money and there is no obstruction in the study.
The Higher Secondary distributes some knowledge to the boy in the second year. One day goes to meet the boy, no. The boy is not in the hostel. Nobody can tell where he went. Two of them said that often he goes outside and returns too many nights, some unknown boys have to come up with. If Mr. Rashid does not meet with the boy, he will return home. Nune oil from the market, which comes with its own stomach, stomach, and stomach ached and sleeping after praying. In the mind, the verses of the Qur'an recited the chest. If you do not want to come to sleep, wake up in the middle of the night and recite the Holy Qur'an with a sweet tone. The eyes of the water which flows through the eye of the eyes of God, towards the grace of God, the grace of God, and the eyes of this water are very good, very holy, the Lord is all your mercy, all you will, all your gifts. When Amen finished praying, the tune of Azan in the mosque sounded, and the earth shook with the sound of Allah Hu Akbar. Suddenly sitting in front of the house, listening to the Azan and sitting on the mound of the mosque. Salad with the mosque. Going to the cemetery, Baba reads prayers for parents. After reading "Rabbi Ham Huma Kama Rabbaani Chhagira" then walk a little in the open field, when sunlight continues to grow, it comes home. This work can be said of Mr. Rashid's daily. After some days Ganesha Mahajan's son came home with celebrating holidays in the same college. From his mouth, he heard that Rashid's son had been imprisoned for several years in a case of being caught by police, except that he had saved the elder brother from the money of one hand, he saved this time, the elder brother is very powerful, but condition is that the elder brother will have to work. To the work? What work! Politics, theft, robbery, murder, robbery! No, no such work, big brother is a big businessman; he has to sell his goods. The difficulty was to catch the hands of the police while selling the goods. Will do this again! We will have to sell the goods in the city's elite area, along with a few others, when the goods will come with theft. Estimation is not a lie, it sells drugs. Ms. Rashid cannot hear. No matter what the boy wanted to live with, he did not even know what he wanted to live with. This boy said to Mr. Rashid, one day, like to sit on Facebook, make comments, make comments today, and Facebook is obsessed with an intoxication which is hard to think. Drugs that sell and consumes addiction, it is no doubt! Mr. Rashid wants to tell the news to the Minu, but there is no benefit. Mr. Rashid also got the news, from the nearby village sweeper Bechu. It cannot be expressed in the language of what Minu did. Many people were gathered at a function in the office, at one place, by scribbling everyone, with whom the pictures were taken, and even physical relations. The words are not hidden. Is there any news in the 21st century? Establishing immoral relations is also more fresh news. Mr. Rashid thinks that some of the rotation does not move the tree leaves without blowing in the air. And the idea of the wife is already known and this incident has already happened two days ago and the protest did not even have any effect, on the contrary, Mr. Rashid had to be humiliated by his wife, but Mr. Rashid did not tell anyone only for fear of honor. The neighbors only knew beforehand itself. It is left to know that this is not only done by anti-social activities but also has married the gentleman, whether it is in social pressure or in their own wishes, the news spreads across the country faster than the speed of the sweeper. The scandal began to run unbridled.scandal! Science has said that the speed of light is one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles in motion, faster than the fastest, running horse, at the speed of your speed. Those who were old, they took the name of the Minu with their mouth and spit and spit and breathed their breath; and young women became ashamed of fear, alas for immoral relations! The topic of discussion at the tea stalls in the area is now the same, that old title started again, many said, what is new! Many people say so. It would be such that it had already made sense. The scandal began to run unbridled. Scandal! Science said that the speed of light is one hundred and forty-six thousand miles in a second, moving at the speed of your speed as fast as a running horse, when the speed of your movement will stop, the elderly who were the name of the Minu, with the face of the mouth spit and spit, and the young youths were scared to be ashamed Alas, alas, immoral relations! The topic of discussion at tea shops in the neighborhood is now the only one, that old title started again, many said, what is new! Many people said that it would have been already predicted, etc. etc. Mr. Rashid cannot walk. Going on the way, they lost their way in the middle of the road. Then, along the narrow path, straight through the bamboo floor, near the pond, where the sky and the ground are mixed together. There is no end to running. On the other side, only the horizon and the open are lands are located. Through the middle of a big lake, Chailakuri, the road that runs on the side of the street, becomes the face of a professional and run away, so that no touch of nature can reach him. In the minds of the boy by the hands of the police. Maybe somewhere in the crossfire. The good thing will go to the crossfire and the person himself will retire intended for a lifetime of life in an unknown unfamiliar place. I remember his past life. In the midst of dramatization of Minu, only a few days after the engagement took place, after talking about the character of Minu, the family of the wealthy family in the adjoining house spent a night in a park or in a park, where there were some hand-written papers. Yes, the facts are true, everyone believes that Mr. Rashid did not believe it, because Mr. Rashid loved Minu by that time, because the strategy of man to live is in Minu, after the marriage date is broken twice, the marriage breaks when Minu is in the sadness of the mind and deceit By doing so, he takes refuge in a relative's house in the city, and does not mean that life is worthless, this life is worthless to him. Suicide is a good way for him to commit suicide. One day, on the footpath of the city, Mr. Rashid called Mr. Rashid, Mr. Rashid and Minu had to rush him to evaluate the exact amount of tears, he announced himself to everyone in front of Minu, he would marry Minu. People who defame someone without being defamed are not idle. There is no problem in that it can be a little blunder; it does not have any problem. In this marriage, the happiness of marriage is not lasting longer than six months, in the fate of Mr. Rashid. The original character of Minu was gradually being released. Even after this, the family continued to survive, only to be gradually manifesting the original character of Minu. Even after this, the world has survived only if it is only in the mind of Mr. Rashid, or if it is only on the basis of love that if one understands the mistake in some day. Rashid is walking more quickly, Rashid That way, there is a big road on the other side. He is not going to take his destiny away from him. Who will be the face, he will show. The taste of the nectar that he had grown in the way that he used himself as a taste, the taste again today, that pot became a person's emotion. In whose bed, freely unclaimed, slaughtering, slut Mr. Rashid is walking more loudly. The morning sun is tilted towards the west, but there is no tiredness, there is only hatred and curses against Minu and curse. He has tried many times a long time to tell the story of Minu could not Minu has repeatedly received the rate of Minu tears near the water, by getting to the children's blessing, Minu got away. The children who were defeated repeatedly near the love of the boys, the unfortunate father The child sacrificed his affection to the affection, to whom he would get fair dealing, to whom he would complain, the Minu relatives, whom he thought was wrong. Dear prostitutes! If any conscience starts to open its body, it will be consumed by hypnotics. Mr. Rashid's hair dried up. After walking on a ripe street some walks and then evening. The bricks, gurus, stones and Sand stack kept on the side of the road will be huge entrances. The new tunes of life will be created here, in the transparent mirror on the wall, life will be called to luster. Mr. Rashid is walking more quickly. Large buildings of illuminated cities, red in blue light, but there are no emotions in the markets, only the restless are standing outside and decorate the inside! Seeing Rashid's only Both the age and the fatigue have consolidated the life cycle. The night was deep and the pavement went on the streets of the city. Once upon a time came to the railway station, in a group of thieves, thieves, keepers, pocket masks and miscreants. Opportunity is going on in a train like a chance, in unknown history. There is no answer why it's going to go. The Train runs on an average day by day. Rashid did not know when he stopped at a station in the morning. Slowly from the train, one of the stations went to the tea shop. Suddenly, hunger in the stomach and sitting still quietly with fever. The morning sun shines in the light of the sun. There is no word, there is no girlfriend like to speak. The engineer whose shelter has been provided by the railway station whether the engineer who passed the university! Whether he is the official former officer of the car! There is no end to the widow's game. Once upon a time, there is a tremendous amount of shaking. Keep the hand straps under the head and never know when it falls asleep. The station's burrows are called hastily because the bigger officers will have to clean the station for inspection. Cocoa goes to the back of the station on the cocoon of coca, where the dirty water is deposited in the city.
The rabbit and crab of the city have built houses here; Mr. Rashid sits quietly while ignoring the dirty mess. No, not Rashid, it is a madman! People come and bribe near mad. Little boys beat brick petals. The madman has the language of protest, but there is no telling power. Maybe someone comes with two bread and stops the stomach's hunger. The house of her is unknowable today. Everything is trivial today the flavor of the world is all about lies today. It's been a few days to go mad here. One day a few constables came to the crematorium and started doing some kind of drug addiction. Ladders lie on the potsherd sacks collected from the pavement. There is a little debate between the boys coming, Mara is listening to screaming, the cry comes after a little while, but the crazy silent, she does not have the power or courage to talk. The tone that he heard he heard many days know. Where! Whenever he could hear this, cry he could not seem to think rightly. As the book puts light pressure, wants to stop, the light glance over the age of light sees the light, blurred light, maybe a murder would be something. The cry of the familiar crying all night long, and the cry of the tears that repeatedly heard in the ears. Fajr Azan, a little before it goes crazy. The mosque of the station's mosque is waved, and after Azan, after performing Fajr prayers, the mosque reappears again with fate. Police came to from police station in the morning and dead body went to the police station. Rashid said the people around the shop; the tea shopkeeper could know that the young man was killed in the night on sharing the drug money, a young boy at the age of Young, a college student. The tears burst and crying out. Mr. Rashid. The water in the eyes of the broken chest weeps through the eyes. Rashid understands that there is nowhere to be lost and ruin has been in his house.
Powerless legs cannot save energy. Peeping on the stove, the stove moves forward at the back of the station where the garbage is collected by collecting brick garbage on the special stove made by the poor people who are begging them all day to cook and eat. The mixing of the vagabond itself today became a beggar. In this way, one time influential Rashid used to spend his life with a wild animal. If he could get raw meat, he will eat, but not get it. Get food from the tombs and eating; again go for collecting some food from rich man home and stock for dinner. One day sitting on the old compartment left in the station, sitting on the old compartment, found that the two young girls were wearing a worn thin dress, and the body was filled with dirty looks like just getting up from a coal. The baby will be bigger is  four years and little is maybe  two years  Get found one bread and no one wants to leave the part of the bread, after seeing this situation, the dirty woman is talking baby in a filthy language, she is abusing a dirty language, the language that only slums The refuge of the footpath or the railway station is to be adopted by the people of a well-stricken stranger, if there is a little understanding, If the ears hear the Marshal's probably just the "Mean jail God forbid," there will be no choice but to talk. The man sitting next to her could not tolerate that abuse, cursing the woman's hair and cursing him with a crude saying, kicked the woman in her arms, the woman started lamenting more loudly, and the man was cursing more obscene language. It sounds as if there is no recorded audio on the back, the recorded pornographic language is continuously jumping After that, the small child was thrown by two slippers and placed under the train compartment and went into tea stalls, it is known that this woman comes from a river broken area with her husband, the woman cannot say where her husband, actually husband has escaped and a drunken wife and child, The man who has punished the woman now is not the real husband of the woman, the husband is one of the classes. All day long begging, sleeping in the house at night in the railway station with two children, there is no security, the woman's body is not evil, although she has a lot of deprivation and depression, it is tempting to see, so the wicked people torture in the house at night, because there is secured with a man The wicked do not have the opportunity, in exchange for the man who is engaged in security work, the person has to take a little extra advantage. It's a lot better to give a daily benefit than ten days to ten people. However, this man is called the woman's sub husband. Crazy Rashid can see all, hear all and cannot stand still, remember own daughters, they are now grown, maybe a woman is trapped in a slum household, this is how she is taking food, this is how she tastes fare, the hair of the bride may have got stains of dirt, what Who has been weird? When he met the girls, it was good, then how many days have passed, there is no news. Minu may ruin the lives of daughters like their own life. Rashid forgot about the daughters, today the sleeping paternal child awoke today if such a condition had not been created today, then he would have remembered the daughters! The sleep of the Father awakens in a crazy chest, ok, not here, where the treasure of his beloved will be there again, all the miseries of the world will be removed only by searching for happiness, the heaven of golden. Where are Mita and Rita! Where?, How are her golden birds! In the meantime, the lunatic again crossed the lanes of the city and continued to walk. Heavy heat of day sun cannot tire him. The fire of hunger is burning in the stomach, yet he is not hungry. The love of the child continues to move more loudly, neither the road nor the end of the road. The big bridges went straight through the premises. When he went to the unknown, he did not understand that love would have to come back again. The child has to be sacrificed again to his affection, his honor, and personality, so far he went away all day long; he could not decide where he would go. Continue again. Continued to the railway station, The news of morning's news came as a murder, but not much detail, Minu was cooking in the morning. Harun told Minu the news, a college student was killed in the share of drug money, he became confused by the moment Minu. Rashid has once hinted that his son has stepped in a bad way, but Minu did not listen, did not take it very seriously, after trying to contact the boy, but could not do it, took the news in the house, a relative said, the boy left his education and went to the drug business. In the last moment, this disenchantment and death, After getting the news of Rashid Minu's second marriage, it was almost no more than a month since there was no news, people in the area have locked up security in Rashid's house so that they will not lose anything, Minu will not be able to go to Rashid's house, if the daughter ever goes home, ten people of region opening the father’s home’s lock and over the immovable - immovable wealth. Minu does not say anything, just watering two eyes, how difficult it is for parents to report to their children. No sinner can say that no bad news of such a thing is happening to Allah. There is no language, there is only apathy. There is no hope, there is only disappointment. Minu heart cannot burst? As soon as the death of the son gets the news, why did not his life go away and cry silently with compliantly. Complain language is also not open, only mind. The tears were already covered, and it was artificial. Today, not by its own will, but by the deeds of the past, the sins of the past reflecting on all things reflect on the crevice itself. No one else knows, but Minu knows. Cheated with the husband cheated with the child, Cheated with the society, Lost her honor image and personality, lost her own relatives. Those who were closest also withdrew from time to time. There is no one in the village that can go to the city to take the dead body with the responsibility. If the police bring the dead body, then the people of the village will bury the body in a social way. Minu wants to go but cannot, deprive of his own evilness in such a way as to show the son's body today. If the police officer asks a question, what will she answer? There is no communication with the son for one and a half years. The son did not want to be associated with the mother. The mother wanted to make her alive by keeping but she could not. The boy said, "It is good to not give the identity of a mother, who is ashamed to give her identity. Do you abuse his father's weakness, what is his identity? There is no need for a mother. The son said such things. Minu cooked rice in the house; there was no care of rice. Harun ran out of the stove and pulled out the stove in the adjacent house. Mita and Rita get the news mouth of their mother, once they cry and then silent once. Be silent. There is no sound of crying, and she weeps like rain falling from the sky. If people from around the world know about Minu, they will not be respected. Twenty one year old family life, Minu has created such a life, cannot see the dead body of the son, nor can the son be known to anyone till the news. Minu closed the door of the daughter’s room and she went out of the house. Calling a few crows on the head, desperately wanting to reach the mother's ears, but the news of the great people has already been revealed, not only has the public been afraid of shame, leaving husband to shame and having sexual relations with men, who has married the second man in this age with sacrificing sacrifice No matter what he does, he does not agree with pride. The head of the office praises Madam, and the lower officials greet him and stand up from the sitting, it is not his own honor, honor of the post. They do not know his character! Do not know! Not only is the criticism of the people around, but the criticism is all about criticism but not in front. Some say that such a calm, so much patience is possible by him? Someone says that it is possible to do such work through the calm nature. During the discussion, there are arguments in two groups, and more than two to ten events are discussed in the neighborhood, but the results of the last one will be seen, who knows who has done and knows Allah.
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Silent hell (Part-9)

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