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Unfinished Dialogue (Episode-5)

Episode- 5

In the theater hall “Still, Love” drama practice is going on. Shahi was directing every scene. Now, if the scene is to be directed, it does not give a little description, the story goes down from the fullness. However, the scene was like this: a prominent village enclosure, Koitory worked as a housekeeper in this house, there is no other than the only father, who has lost her mother in girlhood. On the other hand, Adu, the man who works in the foreman house, will be a bit bigger than the Koitory, Have been in this house for a long time, Adu crazy, yes, people know him as Adu crazy, who, during a time of obscurity, could not say that the old man had left his house, and took shelter at home and counted it. It is not even the number of people in the village who kept the calculations, maybe the foreman would ask someone in the house with a sense of thinking, that is,- the year that all the crops in the field were burnt or once the flood happened, the cow took away the calf and so etc. The arrival of Adu crazy in this village seems like a story of a fairy tale, But this can be said, Maybe a tremendous storm, Whether due to catastrophic floods or any other natural disaster, or for the sake of the stomach's hunger, without the Peak, the existence of an orphan boy, Adu crazy came to this village. One such drama can be said, People say how many years, In fact, it would be twenty or twenty-two years of reckoning, there is no evidence that someone who visited this village and how many years had passed; there was no contact with any relative or an appointment. That is how many years have passed since the arrival of this village and no one can prove that there is no contact with or an encounter with him.
Adu crazy could not give his exact identity; there was no historian who would write his long drawn hare on the pages of history, the date of arrival of Adu crazy. However, what needs to be present here, Adhu's nature is a little bit clever, People who know Adu as madness, But Adu is not as crazy as, More than that, in the face of ordinary people of the village. No one has ever protested about it, the Central character of crazy Adu and Koitory plays. The main content of crazy Adu and Koitory character is, Koitory does not know that crazy Adu loves him, Because of whose message the person turns away is just crazy, but this idiom is not an idol or a lover of noble mind, no one knows or wants to know. Another hand, Koitory, yes, She is the girl who works for the other person house, so what! Her ancestor is the man of this village, whose roots are related to the tree roots of the village. The smell of which is found in the clay and water of this village. The Koitory loves the neighboring village of Chandu. Chandu is a laborer but his ancestry is not less! Chandu's grandfather was the man of this village, the voice of the folk singer, the voice of the bamboo chicks, how many males and female’s tears in the tone, it is difficult to calculate, how much it would have been, to the tune of singing in the same way, it is only memories in mind today.Yes, the voice of Chandu's voice is not less, on the rainy day of Ashar, when the goes to the field with cattle, the rhythm of the music of the rhythm of the rain, which touches the intestine, When on the head, with the mustard oil, when the hair is beautifully dressed and playing kabaddi, then it seems to Kaitrari that a king's son, Although the body is crisp black, the appearance is not bad. Koitory loves to king son chandu, Stay there, the drama is going on here. Adu can know that the marriage of the Koitory with the neighboring village of Chandu, this part directed by Shahi. Adu will leave the village today for an unknown purpose; will never be seen with Koitory in future, telling about the end of the farewell to the Koitory, silent environment, flute music, and the performance of the outstanding performer ends in a beautiful scenario. The Present viewers were praised by the palmist and delighted.Actor Suman said in the role of crazy Adu,
-Mr. Shahi is truly genius! A realistic event has brought up. 
Nahida said,- who is a Koitory figure,
-It is really true, but I cannot get out of the house after the drama, when ordinary boys and girls see me then shouted, "Koitory".
The play writer says-Well, I gave the market capture to the Koitory.
-If there is a loss, but it must be done.
-Do not be afraid, the day it gets destroyed, I will really fill it.
Sharmin says who is the performer of Nijhum. Good fate Nahida, Luck favored you.
All of the attendees laughed loudly because this is Shahi, nobody has any objection if someone speaks about Shahi. Everybody knows that Shahi is efficient player, but not himself in the game, but he himself did not play, but after the meal, everyone took leave, Shahi walking alongside the road with Nahida, along with a small pond near the street where the waste of garbage was spoiled in the Muffins city, gradually removing rotten stink, Two animals going forward, one time Nahida says,
-Shame in front of all?
-What is shame in it? I said in front of all, I did not say anything behind.
-What is the benefit of saying a lie?
-Profit is nothing but curiosity, but there is great pleasure in falsehood.
-If your pleasure and curiosity hurt someone!
Shahi, stopped at the words of Nahida, once looked at the feet of Nahida, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and removed the sweat of the forehead and put it in the right place and breathed a bit of peace from nature and said, 
-Listen to me Nahida, I have no stability in the pair, the lasting, the last pair of the drama is over.
-So why are you dragging the line in the middle?
-That's the memories if we can leave the memories.
-If your memory, someone shrieked?
If the cry is written in fate, she will cry.
-Got a good reputation, everyone knows as a playwright. Efficient private tutors are also.
-There are many who have nothing, who has something, there are so many things if you asked Nazrul, and Rabindranath, how well done for literature? Maybe the answer was, little, did not do anything If a politician is asked, how much is done for the country? Maybe you will reply, where I got the time!
-Do you believe in ethics?
-Believes there is no alternative to work because of the work.
-Your principle is easily accepted by the rate.
In front of the cinema hall, there was a time in the discussion of both of them, then on the road of Bhagalpur, straight in front of the municipality,
-Tomorrow's the course will certainly come.
-You can order, if you request the right to order, then you will not become incompatible?
-If the question of rights comes at the beginning of life, then what will be the rest of the life?
-The beginning of happiness is the end of the sadness of pain.
Shahi goes on, stops again for a while and to Nahida,
-Nahida, you do not misunderstand me, not my words to hurt anyone, you are my best friend! Very good friend! We are young at the age of same, we all have a very beautiful mind, with that we love each one of us, trust one another, we only have nothing but faith, we are bound by the bond of faith.
-Why are you blaming me?
-Nahida, I'm not blaming you, I want to tell you that we all will be an exception to others, No injustice can touch us, to say words Shahi is becoming pale, not able to control himself and standing on the municipality's light post.
Nahida say, are you sick?
-Nothing, no matter how much the head is doing, I feel pain, it is evening, let's get you up to the rickshaw.
-What did the doctor say?
-Cannot go alone?
-You are sick.
-Please do not say anything,

At this time the lights of the municipality got burnt, the pain of Shahi's head continued to grow and reluctantly rises in the rickshaw Nahida, standing on the street with a heavy headache a young playwright standing on the street.
To Continue >>>http://bit.ly/2yW9rHe

Silent hell (Part-9)

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